Monday, August 28

Not having any serious purpose or value

8:03:02 PM Ben: it's a game, it's not frivolous
8:03:06 PM Dougie: dude
8:03:07 PM Dougie: games
8:03:09 PM Ben: I'm not going to be talking Wall Street with him or something
8:03:15 PM Dougie: are by definition
8:03:19 PM Dougie: frivolous
8:03:36 PM Ben: the definition of game is not something frivolous
8:03:47 PM Dougie: yeah it pretty much is
8:04:00 PM Dougie: if it wasn't
8:04:02 PM Dougie: it would be work
8:04:14 PM Ben: it's something amusing, not necessarily frivolous
8:04:30 PM Dougie: name me a game that isn't frivolous
8:04:46 PM Ben: Old Maid
8:04:56 PM Dougie: you can't do it can you
8:05:24 PM Ben: Old Maid, dude!
8:05:28 PM Ben: game is dead serious
8:05:39 PM Dougie: yeah, I win
8:05:43 PM Ben: yeah...
8:05:51 PM Ben: I wouldn't call D&D frivolous
8:05:56 PM Ben: not worth anything in the real world
8:05:58 PM Ben: but not frivolous
8:06:01 PM Dougie: dude
8:06:02 PM Dougie: again
8:06:09 PM Dougie: that's kind of the definition
8:06:12 PM Dougie: of frivolous
8:06:15 PM Ben: yyyyeah maybe


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